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Ever wonder how much lighting you need to properly light up a room in your home? The formula for calculating the proper amount of light you should have in each room of your home is as follows.
Multiply the length of the room times the width of the room (in feet) to get the square footage. A 10ft x 10ft room would be 100 sq ft. Then multiply that number times 1.5. This number gives you the amount of wattage* needed to light the room properly for general illumination purposes. In this example that would be 150 watts. This could be one ceiling fixture with say 2 - 75 watt bulbs.For Task Lighting in areas where stronger light is needed (such as a kitchen island), multiply the area's square footage by 2.5 rather than 1.5 to find the needed wattage*.*Wattage is based on incandescent (standard) bulbs.
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